Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Orc Den (Gorgut's Lair)

I use these special rules when Gorgut's Lair comes up as a normal Dungeon room during an adventure.

Orc Den - Special Rules

  • Roll 1d6  to determine the number of Exit Door.  On a 1-3 there is one Exit Door, and on a 4-6 there are two.  Exit Door(s) must be placed along the last row of squares in the room.
  • The Warriors have come upon an Orc Boss and his Minions.  Use the profile in the Roleplay Book, and be sure to roll up a Magic Weapon.
  • To determine the Minions, roll on the Orc Minions table in the Lair of the Orc Lord book. 
  • Additionally, reinforcements are not far away.  Each time a roll of 6 is made in the Power Phase, place 1 Orc on the board, next to one of the Exit Doors.
  • The Orc Boss and his Minions are all placed on the upper platform.  They will take advantage of this advantageous position to attack the Warriors from above (at +1 to hit).  Remember, models are not pinned by models on a different level in a multi-level room.
The Spiked Pit

  • As stated in the Lair of the Orc Lord rule book, if a Warrior rolls a 1 in their attack roll if they are standing adjacent to the Spiked Pit, something bad happens.  I modify the rule to include the Monsters, and also incorporate Initiative into the equation.  If a 1 is rolled by a Warrior or Monster standing adjacent to the Spiked Pit, roll 1d6 and add their Initiative, consulting the table below:
    3-4. The figure wheels their arms around attempting to maintain balance as they hopelessly pitch to one side, and fall directly into the fiery depths below, and to their demise.
    5-6. The figure grasps the edge of the pit, taking 1d6 Wounds from the fire below.  If they survive, they spend the entire next Warrior Phase hanging on for dear life, but at the end of that Phase they make to an empty entrance square.  If no empty entrance square is available, they dangle there for the entire turn, but can act normally next turn.
    7-8. The figure loses their footing, but catches themselves, avoiding harm but wasting the remainder of their turn.
    9+. The figure maintains solid footing and avoids calamity, this time.

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